2018.8 Bake Code on TV Show
Nineoneone group (九壹壹) and Jacky Wu (吳宗憲) loveed our Chimney Cake much.
Bake Code showed the most popular foods "Kürtőskalács (Chimney Cake)" and Tarts on the TV show "Super Entourage (小明星大跟班)". Due to the program, you can know why people have to stand in a queue.
Yvonne Liang (梁以辰) strongly recommend Kürtőskalács (Chimney Cake). As Nineoneone ate it, they felt Chimney Cake tasted divine.
If you never eat them before, please welome Bake Code Xihu branch.
Add: No.1, Ln. 285, Sec. 1, Neihu Rd., Neihu Dist., Taipei City 114
Business hours: Monday ~ Sunday 8:00 ~ 22:00
Full video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h1PGaOwT3Xk
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